Build your diverse talent pipeline for greater representation.

Does your organisational data show a lack of representation at senior levels? 

Do you sense there are invisible barriers to progression for your intersectional talent?

We offer a targeted approach to building intersectional talent capability and confidence whilst also cultivating an environment that embraces their difference.

Case Study: Global Retail Coffee Company

We designed a bespoke 10-month intersectional talent development programme.  We carefully curated content which included:

Dedicated one-to-one coaching

Bespoke workshop content

Enriching community peer action learning sets


Meaningful exposure to senior leaders

Commitment and input from line managers to support their development journey


The power of the programme is clear.

With overwhelmingly positive outcomes

We always want to see the value-add of our programmes. We design programme outcomes based on where you want to see change and then we measure these pre-and post-programme.

Through our programme, we have seen:


increase in understanding how to build and leverage a career network.


increase in feeling connecting to people they would consider as role models.


Increase in having allies and a community they can lean on for support.


increase in building relationships and influencing key stakeholders.